my semester classes have officially started. (insert enormously obnoxious sigh here)
as always, there was a bit of a mix up and i had to walk from one side of campus to the other all while struggling with my whale-weighted excuse of a backpack. oh, and did i mention there's a never ending heat-wave where i live? :)
haha, it wasn't all bad. there's a new art building in the making and i'll be one of the many students to help design a mosaic floor. oh, and my art instructor informed me one of my pieces made it into the upcoming art show! hopefully, i'll be able to take a photo of it for the blog. it's a real simple and white (eraser pull-out).
tomorrow, i will tackle my composition and design II classes. although, my instructor is offering me a spot in his drawing II class. i may switch, but we'll see.
alright, i've babbled long enough.
here's a doodle i did yesterday.
graphite & marker - 8/28/11
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